Results for 'Annie Payson Call'

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  1.  80
    Hobbes's theory of signification.Isabel Payson Creed Hungerland & George R. Vick - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (4):459-482.
    In part through correcting mistranslations of key passages in the "de logica" part of his "de corpore," hobbes is shown to have held a theory in which the intention to communicate enters into the definition of signification; and in which speech requires, In addition, (1) socially agreed-Upon correlations between kinds of utterances and kinds of things, And (2) an interrelationship of such utterances (or 'words') in what hobbes calls 'contexture'. It is shown that hobbes did not hold that for a (...)
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    Addressing complex hospital discharge by cultivating the virtues of acknowledged dependence.Annie B. Friedrich - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (2):99-114.
    Every day around the country, patients are discharged from hospitals without difficulty, as the interests of the hospital and the patient tend to align: both the hospital and the patient want the patient to leave and go to a setting that will promote the patient’s continued recovery. In some cases, however, this usually routine process does not go quite as smoothly. Patients may not want to leave the hospital, or they may insist on an unsafe discharge plan. In other cases, (...)
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    Intra-Acting Food Citizenship in Community-Supported Agriculture in Finland.Anni Turunen, Riikka Aro & Suvi Huttunen - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (3):1-20.
    Citizens are called upon to become active participants in creating a more sustainable food system. As food citizens, people participate in defining and constructing their food systems according to their needs and values. In food policies, the concept of food citizenship is often left undefined or with reference only to individual activities. In the food citizenship literature, the role of nonhuman agency in constituting food citizenship needs more examination. Here we investigate food citizenship activities in a citizen-led community-supported agriculture group (...)
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    The Pitfalls of Proceduralism: An Exploration of the Goods Internal to the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Annie B. Friedrich - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (4):389-403.
    In an age of professionalization and specialization, the practice of clinical ethics is facing an identity crisis. Are clinical ethicists moral experts, ethics experts, or merely quasi-lawyers giving legal advice? Are they extensions of the hospital, always working to advance the hospital’s interests? Or is there another option? Since 1998, when the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities first issued its Core Competencies for Healthcare Ethics Consultation, there has been debate about the role of standardization and proceduralism in clinical ethics (...)
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  5. The Value of Uptake.Anni Raty - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (3).
    Arguments for what consent is often appeal to its functions. For instance, some argue that because consent functions to express the consent-giver’s autonomous control over her normative boundaries, consent must consist in a mental state. In this paper, I argue that consent has an often-overlooked function and that its having this function has consequences for our views of what consent is. I argue that consent has a relationship-shaping function: acts of consent can alter and enable personal relationships. This function grounds (...)
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    What Happened to the Philosopher Queens? On the “Disappearance” of Female Rulers in PlatoPlato’s Statesman.Annie Larivée - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.), Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 61-90.
    Michèle Le Doeuff coined the term “déshérence” to describe a phenomenon affecting the relation of women to knowledge. Déshérence reflects the antithetical connection between women and value: if something is socially devalued, women may claim it; if something women already possess reveals itself as valuable, then they have to relinquish it. My article shows how Plato’s Statesman offers a perfect example of déshérence in its two complementary forms. But the article’s primary objective is to shed light on the connection between (...)
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    Exposing the Technological Roots of Ambivalence.Annie B. Friedrich - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (6):66-67.
    In their article “Two Minds, One Patient: Clearing Up Confusion About ‘Ambivalence,’” Moore et al. argue that “different kinds of ‘ambivalence’ may call for different approaches” to resolution in c...
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    The In-Discipline of Design: Bridging the Gap Between Humanities and Engineering.Annie Gentes - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Design is a conceptive activity which is usually presented as a sensible, sequential process and action. This book claims that design cannot be reduced to the rational, effective planning and organization that most models (such as design thinking) present. The author suggests another type of rationality which is based on what the humanities call aesthetics, writing, composition, and style: a rationality based in imaginary elaboration and coherence. The chapters, therefore, demonstrate that design practice is about creating not only functional (...)
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    To Our Nurse Friends: An Ode to Resistance.Patrick Martin & Annie-Claude Laurin - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70006.
    The concept of resistance in nursing has been garnering more interest in the last few years, with emerging focus on working conditions, power differentials in clinical settings, health inequities, and planetary health concerns. As a result, it's important to identify what is being resisted, and what is the purpose of the resistance carried out. In whatever way resistance is referenced in nursing, outright or not, it is our contention that it's in response to the same underlying cause, barring some local (...)
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  10. From Boredom to Authenticity Bubbles: The Implication of Boredom-Induced Social Media Use for Individual Autonomy.Frodo Podschwadek & Annie Runkel - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-16.
    In this paper, we argue that boredom can be an important experience that contributes to personal autonomous agency by providing authentic motivation, and that strategies of social media providers to bind users’ attention to their platforms undermine this authenticity. As discussed in social epistemology and media ethics for a while now, such strategies can lead to so-called epistemic or filter bubbles. Our analysis of the relation between boredom and social media use focuses on a similarly impairing effect of social media (...)
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    Learnability of Pregroup Grammars.Denis Béchet, Annie Foret & Isabelle Tellier - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (2-3):225-252.
    This paper investigates the learnability by positive examples in the sense of Gold of Pregroup Grammars. In a first part, Pregroup Grammars are presented and a new parsing strategy is proposed. Then, theoretical learnability and non-learnability results for subclasses of Pregroup Grammars are proved. In the last two parts, we focus on learning Pregroup Grammars from a special kind of input called feature-tagged examples. A learning algorithm based on the parsing strategy presented in the first part is given. Its validity (...)
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  12.  14
    Medicine as a Tactic of War: Palestinian Precarity.Marsha Rosengarten & Annie Pfingst - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (3-4):99-125.
    This photo-essay highlights the ways in which medicine features in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and uses it to reflect on the nature of ethical obligation set out by Judith Butler in her work on state-achieved precarity. Although medical infrastructure of even the most basic type is tragically lacking and in some areas shockingly absent in the OPT, it is the particular way in which medicine comes to be needed that we focus on. Leaving aside the rhetoric that has claimed (...)
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    Co-production and Managing Uncertainty in Health Research Regulation: A Delphi Study.Isabel Fletcher, Stanislav Birko, Edward S. Dove, Graeme T. Laurie, Catriona McMillan, Emily Postan, Nayha Sethi & Annie Sorbie - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):99-120.
    European and international regulation of human health research is typified by a morass of interconnecting laws, diverse and divergent ethical frameworks, and national and transnational standards. There is also a tendency for legislators to regulate in silos—that is, in discrete fields of scientific activity without due regard to the need to make new knowledge as generalisable as possible. There are myriad challenges for the stakeholders—researchers and regulators alike—who attempt to navigate these landscapes. This Delphi study was undertaken in order to (...)
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  14.  36
    Birth Control in the Shadow of Empire: The Trials of Annie Besant, 1877–1878.Mytheli Sreenivas - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):509.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 3. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 509 Mytheli Sreenivas Birth Control in the Shadow of Empire: The Trials of Annie Besant, 1877–1878 In March 1877, two London activists provoked a debate about poverty and overpopulation that reverberated across metropole and colony. These activists, Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh, republished a book by the American physician Charles Knowlton that outlined methods to prevent (...)
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    Filozofowanie w kontekście języka. Refleksje w związku z dociekaniami Anny Wierzbickiej.Andrzej Bronk & Stanisław Majdański - 1985 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (2):57-71.
    The linguistic studies written by Anna Wierzbicka have been an occasion for the remarks on the relationship between linguistics and philosophy and for the question whether linguistic enquiries entitle us to put forward philosophical theses. In particular, whether and to what extent we indeed learn something philosophically significant about the world (of culture) and the nature man and his mind by examining language. Defining here position as interdisciplinary, Wierzbicka draws on the studies of the relationship between language and culture, language (...)
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    Ksiądz Stanisław Fogelweder jako kanclerz królowej Anny, żony Zygmunta III Wazy.Aleksandra Barwicka-Makula - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 27 (2):161-178.
    The article attempts to show the activity of Stanisław Fogelweder in the service of Queen Anne of Austria, the first wife of Sigismund III Vasa. The aim was to reconstruct the scope of his courtly duties and to present an assessments of his activities, which appear in the letters by the monarch herself, her mother Archduchess Maria Anna of Bavaria, and the courtiers of the queen, as well as in the accounts of foreign diplomats. The period of Fogelweder’s life in (...)
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    Woody Allen's Angst: Philosophical Commentaries on His Serious Films.Sander H. Lee - 1997 - McFarland.
    While Woody Allen is generally considered to be a master of the comic genre he created, his serious films are very important in understanding his role as one of this generation's more influential filmmakers. In this work such Allen films as Annie Hall (1977), Broadway Danny Rose (1984), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Mighty Aphrodite (1995) are analyzed for the common philosophical themes they share. Gender issues, Allen's love-hate relationship with God, narcissism and moral relativism, and the use of (...)
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  18.  13
    A Basic Income Handbook. [REVIEW]Jason Burke Murphy - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 15 (1).
    This review calls for portions of Annie Miller's book to be released as a pro-basic-income shorter book. This book as it stands, should be on the shelf of policy-makers who want to work through options in basic income for the legislation they are writing.
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  19. Appello all’umanità [Appeal to the humanity].Albert Schweitzer - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 31:89-99.
    Il testo riproduce il discorso pronunciato da Schweitzer, nell’aprile 1957, dai microfoni di Radio Oslo. Prendendo l’avvio dai test americani e so­vie­tici con bombe all’idrogeno dei primi anni ’50, Schweitzer ricostruisce bre­ve­mente la storia delle scoperte e degli impieghi dell’energia atomica e il­lustra gli effetti della radioattività esterna e interna sul corpo umano e ani­male, compresi i presumibili effetti teratogeni sulle generazioni future. L’in­tento dell’appello è richiamare l’opinione pubblica alla sua re­spon­sa­bi­lità e alla sua forza: soltanto un’opinione pubblica correttamente informata (...)
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    The Sense of the Transcendental.Keith Whitmoyer - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:199-213.
    This paper explores the significance of Heraclitus’s fragment B45 for Husserl and Merleau-Ponty as it appears in the Crisis of the European Sciences and Merleau-Ponty’s lectures on this text in the late 1950s. I claim that at stake is a revision or mutation of the sense of transcendentality: by naming it psyche, the transcendental is no longer understood as a static set of a priori conditions but what I call, following Jean-Luc Nancy, “outsidedness.” I elaborate this idea in dialogue (...)
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    Goodbye Gauley Mountain, hello eco-camp: Queer environmentalism in the Anthropocene.Lauran Whitworth - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (1):73-92.
    This article considers the effectiveness of queer environmental ethics in the Anthropocene, a word increasingly used to describe the anthropogenic destruction of ecosystems that marks our current geological era. Taking as my subject the contemporary ecosexuality movement popularised by performance artists Annie Sprinkle and her co-collaborator and partner Elizabeth Stephens, I explore the ethics behind ecosexuals’ encounters with the natural environment. Stephens and Sprinkle's performances, captured in their documentary Goodbye Gauley Mountain: An Ecosexual Love Story (2013), make clear ecosexuality's (...)
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    Bruno Rizzi and Number Theory.Franco Eugeni & Fabrizio Maturo - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (1):47-66.
    Franco Eugeni remembers Bruno Rizzi: in this brief introduction, I would like to remember an afternoon spent in “ Roma Tre ” with Bruno, since we were both Ordinary Professors at that University. We passed it doing a dense program of work for the next three years. At 6.00 pm, I left for “Roseto degli Abruzzi”. At six o'clock a.m. of the next morning, I still have the voice in my ears. A phone call from the Headmaster Ciro d'Aniello, (...)
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    Recensione ad “aut aut”, numero 381, “Sartre/Merleau-Ponty. Un dissidio produttivo”.Matteo Segatto - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:389-393.
    Hanno ancora qualcosa da dirci Sartre e Merleau-Ponty oggi? Sessant’anni dopo i loro “contraccolpi” – consumatisi nella redazione di una rivista come “Les Temps Modernes” – vale ancora la pena di ripercorrere quella storia? È questa la domanda che apre l’ultimo numero di “aut aut” curato da Enrica Lisciani-Petrini e Raoul Kirchmayr. Si tratta di una domanda a cui è difficile rispondere e che ha a che fare con che cos’è la filosofia e – soprattutto – che cos’è un filosofo. (...)
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    Das literarische und künstlerische Werk (review).Max Rieser - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):142-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:142 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Das literarische und kiinstlerische Werk. By Rudolf Steiner. Eine bibliographische Uebersicht, 1961. (Dornaeh: 1961. Pp. 277.) This is a complete list of the writings, lectures, and artistic creations of the founder of Anthroposophy, Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). It is, in addition, a description of the Temple of Anthroposophy, the "Goetheanum" in Dornach built after the ideas of Steiner, of his "mystery-plays," of his ideas on (...)
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    Rudolf Steiner: From Theosophy to Anthroposophy (1902-1913).John Paull - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (5):8-17.
    The Theosophical Society, founded in New York in 1875, was, at the turn of the Twentieth Century, a global phenomenon with 100,000 members. New Age philosopher Dr Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was appointed as the first Secretary General of the German Section of the Theosophical Society on 19 October 1902. The Theosophical Society offered Rudolf Steiner a platform, a ready-made audience, infrastructure, and the insider experience of the world’s leading New Age spiritual society. The success of the Theosophical Society demonstrated that (...)
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    The Meaning of Virtue in the Christian Moral Life: Its Significance for Human Life Issues.Romanus Cessario - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):173-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MEANING OF VIRTUE IN THE CHRISTIAN MORAL LIFE: ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR HUMAN LIFE ISSUES RoMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Dominican House of Stuaies Washington, D.a. RCENTLY, AN International Congress of moral theology convened in Rome brought together some three hundred academicians. They participated in an open forum devoted to current questions in moral theology and bioethics. Held at the Lateran University, the Congress, "Humanae vita,e: 20 Anni Dopo," was divided (...)
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    Facilitating nourished scholarship through cohort supervision in a professional doctorate programme.Eloise Cj Carr, Kathleen Theresa Galvin & Les Todres - 2010 - Encyclopaideia: Journal of Phenomenology and Education 27.
    Nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni c’è stata una espansione globale in materia di istruzione dottorale e in particolare di ‘dottorati professionali’. Difficoltà nell’avanzamento e nel completamento diventano sempre più il centro dell’attenzione per tutti i tipi di dottorato. È stato riconosciuto che una serie di fattori al di là di quelli prettamente demografici potrebbe influire sulla possibilità di completare gli studi. C’è ancora molto da imparare sul motivo per cui l’avanzamento e il completamento del dottorato sono così impegnativi. In (...)
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    Oltre l’etica: un approccio antropodecentrico all’intelligenza artificiale.Selenia Anastasi & Alberto Giovanni Biuso - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (2):251-258.
    Riassunto: Sviluppandosi sul piano della “prevenzione del rischio”, dei “livelli di controllo” in fase di programmazione e del possibile inserimento dei cosiddetti “algoritmi etici”, il dibattito sul presente e il futuro dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, ha favorito nel corso degli anni la creazione di una sempre più profonda spaccatura tra discipline “tecniche” e saperi “umanistici”, tra il dominio del “fare” e il dominio del “pensare”. Prendendo atto di questa sterile distanza, occorre mettere in questione i metodi dell’etica e interrogarsi sull’efficacia e l’utilità (...)
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  29. Finding meaning in vital engagement and good hives.Jonathan Haidt - unknown
    At the age of 15 I began calling myself an atheist. It was bad timing because the next year, in English class, I read Waiting for Godot and plunged into a philosophical depression. This was not a clinical depression with thoughts of personal worthlessness and a yearning for death. It was, rather, the kind of funk that Woody Allen’s characters were so prone to in his early movies. For example, in Annie Hall, a flashback shows us a nine-year-old Allen-esque (...)
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    Two Unnoticed Editions of Girolamo Saccheri's Logica Demonstrativa.Paolo Pagli - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (4):331-340.
    Since its rediscovery in 1903, the Logica Demonstrativa by Girolamo Saccheri is known in three editions ?1697, 1701, and 1735, the 1735, edition being posthumous. The 1697 edition is without the name of the author. This article calls attention to two unnoticed editions (1696? and 1699), the first one unsigned and the second by ?Carolus Iosephus Saccarellus?, a Saccheri pseudonym. The publishing history of the work has been partially clarified, though a number of problems remain unsolved. Après sa redécouverte in (...)
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    Book Review: Volcanus: Recherches comparatistes sur les origines du culte de Vulcain. [REVIEW]Jerzy Linderski - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (4):644-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Volcanus: Recherches comparatistes sur les origines du culte de VulcainJ. LinderskiGérard Capdeville. Volcanus: Recherches comparatistes sur les origines du culte de Vulcain. Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, Palais Farnèse, 1995. viii 1 521 pp. Cloth, no price stated. (Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, fasc. 288)In the last twenty years the French School has published every two years one book on Roman religion: monographs dealing with (...)
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  32. In honour of Dr. Annie Besant.Annie Besant (ed.) - 1990 - Varanasi, U.P., India: Indian Section, Theosophical Society.
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    The Origins of Theosophy : Annie Besant - the Atheist Years.Annie Besant - 1990 - Routledge.
    Annie Besant is primarily remembered as the international president of the Theosophical Society. One of the most important aspects of her career were the years that she was a professional atheist, which has given her a place in history as a pioneer feminist. _The Origins of Theosophy _contains thirteen of Besant’s pamphlets, originally published from 1883-1890. This book is ideal for students of theology.
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    Gender, ‘Race’, Ethnicity in Art Practice in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Annie E. Coombes and Penny Siopis in Conversation.Annie E. Coombes - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):110-129.
    Siopis has always engaged in a critical and controversial way with the concepts of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ in South Africa. For politically sensitive artists whose work has involved confronting the injustices of apartheid, the current post-apartheid situation has forced a reassessment of their practice and the terms on which they might engage with the fundamental changes which are now affecting all of South African society. Where mythologies of race and ethnicity have been strategically foregrounded in the art of any engaged (...)
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    Caring for Structural Vulnerabilities: Can We Hear All Voices?Jessica Payson - 2019 - Révue Ethique Et Economique / Ethics and Economics 16 (1).
    In this essay, I argue that care ethics faces a fundamental challenge in addressing structural vulnerabilities. I argue that one of its main strengths – its focus on alleviating individuals’ material needs – also generates a weakness regarding one of its other key aims – namely, respecting the voice of the concrete other. As a result, I will argue that a full application of care ethics in response to structural vulnerabilities must moderate or supplement its focus on material needs.
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    Moral Dilemmas and Collective Responsibilities.Jessica B. Payson - 2009 - Essays in Philosophy 10 (2):160-182.
    In this paper, I work within Ruth Marcus’s account of the source of moral dilemmas and articulate the implications of her theory for collective responsibility. As an extension to Marcus’s work, I explore what her account means for the moral emotions and responsibilities of those complicit in perpetuating unjust systems of a non-ideal world from which moral dilemmas arise. This move necessitates shifting away from the primacy of control. That one is born into unjust systems one had no hand in (...)
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  37. A Contextualist Theory of Epistemic Justification.David B. Annis - 1978 - American Philosophical Quarterly 15 (3):213 - 219.
    David Annis is professor of philosophy at Ball State University. In this essay, Annis offers an alternative to the foundationalist-coherent controversy: "contextualism." This theory rejects both the idea of intrinsically basic beliefs in the foundational sense and the thesis that coherence is sufficient for justification. he argues that justification is relative to the varying norms of social practices.
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  38. Folk concepts, surveys and intentional action.Annie Steadman & Frederick Adams - 2007 - In Christoph Lumer & Sandro Nannini (eds.), Intentionality, deliberation and autonomy: the action-theoretic basis of practical philosophy. Ashgate Publishing.
    In a recent paper, Al Mele (2003) suggests that the Simple View of intentional action is “fiction” because it is “wholly unconstrained” by a widely shared (folk) concept of intentional action. The Simple View (Adams, 1986, McCann, 1986) states that an action is intentional only if intended. As evidence that the Simple View is not in accord with the folk notion of intentional action, Mele appeals to recent surveys of folk judgments by Joshua Knobe (2003, 2004a, 2004b). Knobe’s surveys appear (...)
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    Written symbols: East and West.Payson Hall - 1986 - Semiotica 58 (1-2):101-106.
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    Product evolution and the classification of business interest in scientific advances.Steven Payson - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (4):3-26.
    Technological change is widely studied in economic discourse, dominated by an “industrial perspective” in which scientific and engineering advances are categorized by, and analyzed in the context of, industrial classifications. The present study compares this perspective with the alternative approach of studying the effects of scientific advances onproducts (goods and services) in the context of the functions those products serve. Using a function-based classification scheme, data on the economic effects of scientific advances are developed from articles appearing in business journals. (...)
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    The “Meta” Level of Integrity: Integrity in the Context of Structural Injustice.Jessica Payson - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (2):347-362.
    This essay argues for a new, “meta,” level of integrity that is created by the context of structural injustice. The essay will draw from Margaret Walker to bring out a defining social value of integrity, namely, its ability to facilitate reliable response to harms caused by “moral luck.” The essay will then argue that, when bad luck is caused by complex social-structural function, traditional advice for maintaining one's integrity fails to provide adequate guidance; following such advice facilitates unjust social-structural function, (...)
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    Your pocket therapist: break free from old patterns and transform your life.Zimmerman Annie - 2024 - New York: Deyst.
    From psychotherapist and TikTok personality Dr. Annie Zimmerman comes a toolkit to transform yourself and your relationships, with advice on how to heal past trauma, build sustainable connections, and take ownership of your mental health. Every day, psychotherapist Dr. Annie Zimmerman meets clients in her private London practice who are struggling with their lives. They're committed to achieving personal growth, making changes--but they're struck at the question stage. They ask: Why can't I sleep? Why do I keep going (...)
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  43. Individuals, Institutions, and Structures.Jessica Payson - 2012 - Social Theory and Practice 38 (4):645-662.
    In this essay I argue that Iris Marion Young provides a substantially new model of responsibility that provides a way out of the standard debate regarding whether and the extent to which individuals have responsibilities for justice. This debate, best represented in an exchange of essays between G.A. Cohen and Thomas Pogge, hinges on the causal efficacy of the bearers of responsibility for justice. By distinguishing herself from both Cohen’s individualism and Pogge’s institutionalism, Young provides an enhanced way to conceptualize (...)
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    A Third Aspect of Individual Responsibility for Justice.Jessica Payson - 2015 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):241-252.
    Iris Marion Young has written a compelling account of individuals’ normative responsibilities for structural justice. While I agree with much of Young’s account, in this article I argue that there is an underexplored aspect of Young’s account regarding the link between individuals’ shared responsibility for justice and the normative demand that individuals engage in collective action towards just structural reform. I argue that Young has neglected an important aspect of individual responsibility for justice that links the aforementioned responsibilities together—namely, the (...)
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    Genetic Determinism in the Genetics Curriculum.Annie Jamieson & Gregory Radick - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (10):1261-1290.
    Twenty-first-century biology rejects genetic determinism, yet an exaggerated view of the power of genes in the making of bodies and minds remains a problem. What accounts for such tenacity? This article reports an exploratory study suggesting that the common reliance on Mendelian examples and concepts at the start of teaching in basic genetics is an eliminable source of support for determinism. Undergraduate students who attended a standard ‘Mendelian approach’ university course in introductory genetics on average showed no change in their (...)
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    Perception of ethical climate and its relationship to nurses' demographic characteristics and job satisfaction.Anny Goldman & Nili Tabak - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):233-246.
    In this study, we examined the perception of actual and ideal ethical climate type among 95 nurses working in the internal medicine wards of one central hospital in the state of Israel. We also examined whether nurses’ demographic characteristics influence that perception and if a relationship between perceptions of an actual and an ideal ethical climate type influences nurses’ job satisfaction. A questionnaire composed of three subquestionnaires was administered and the responses analyzed using multiple linear regressions, analysis of variance and (...)
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  47. Who Makes It to the NICU? The Association Between Prenatal Decisions and Neonatal Outcomes.Annie Janvier & Amélie Dupont-Thibodeau - 2015 - In Annie Janvier & Eduard Verhagen (eds.), Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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  48. Creation, Aesthetics, Market: Origins of the Modern Concept of Art.Annie Becq - 1993 - In Paul Mattick (ed.), Eighteenth-century aesthetics and the reconstruction of art. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 240--54.
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  49. La notion de moule intérieur dans les théories de la génération au XVIII siècle.Annie Ibrahim - 1987 - Archives de Philosophie 50 (4):555-580.
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  50. How Babies Die and Why This Is Important to Clinicians, Researchers, and Parents.Annie Janvier & Eduard Verhagen - 2015 - In Annie Janvier & Eduard Verhagen (eds.), Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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